These are the Terms and End User License Agreement for the Coy o’Teas website and products.
By using or viewing our site, or by purchasing or using products, you thereby agree to the following terms.
You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Coy o’Teas, and all associated parties, for any damage or loss resulting from the use or misuse of its website, information, and/or products.
(In other words, we are not responsible if you burn yourself with hot, delicious tea.)
… In other words, kindly do not sue us.
Here at Coy o’Teas, we strive hard to be fair and equitable. However, experience has given us guidelines.
We reserve the right to do the following:
We accept Paypal, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, Money Orders, and Checks. We wait for payment to clear before shipping goods; this is nearly instantaneous except for the last two.
Payment is due in full at the time we receive each order.
Nonpayment: Should we not receive full payment, the party responsible for the order then receives an account and ongoing balance with us. That party then becomes responsible for all costs incurred by us as a result of nonpayment, to include bounced-check fees, collection and court costs, etc. Furthermore, we will assess a finance rate of APR+5.0%, assessed daily, on the unpaid balance beginning 30 days after receipt of the order. We will do due diligence to contact the party in question; however, failure to receive or acknowledge our communications does not relieve the party’s responsibility to pay his or her account in full.
These terms and EULA shall be interpreted under the laws and court of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the United States.
(Therefore, if you do decide to sue us, you will have to drive all the way to Virginia. And no one wants that.)
Lastly, by using this site, you agree not to “borrow” or use our design, code, images, or text. With the exception of some public domain images, everything in this site is Copyright ©1996-2023 Dreaming Gates™, Coy o’Teas™, or A.M. Coy. Furthermore, Dreaming Gates™ and Coy o’Teas™ are Trademarked and registered businesses.
Thank you.